CONPAS運用時間拡大と利用申請募集のお知らせ(横浜港南本牧コンテナターミナル) | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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  3. Notice of expansion of CONPAS operation hours and usage application (Yokohama Konan Honmoku Container Terminal)

Notice of expansion of CONPAS operation hours and usage application (Yokohama Konan Honmoku Container Terminal)

The Port of Yokohama's Minami-Honmoku Container Terminal, which began full-scale operation of CONPAS on April 1, 2011, will expand the operation hours of CONPAS on December 2, 2022.

CONPAS Operation Hours (From12/2)
Appointment time frame: 8:30 to 15:30
Visiting hours: 7:30 to 16:30 (visitors can come up to 60 minutes before or after the appointment time)
*The start time is advanced to accommodate the entire gate open time zone.

In addition, with the expansion of operation hours, we are looking for more applications to use CONPAS.
At Port of Yokohama's Minami-Honmoku Container Terminal, everyone can use CONPAS.
Please consider using CONPAS.

The features and advantages of CONPAS are here Please visit site for more information.

CONPAS usage application are available on the portal site at "Usage application" Please complete the application procedure from the following site.

If you have any questions, Contact page Please contact us from the following site.

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