[Receiving End] Cyber Port WEB seminar will be held on 11/30 (Wednesday) ~A must-see for Forwarders and NVOCC/International Freight Forwarder! How will trade practices change?
Due to the large number of applications for this seminar, registration has been closed.

Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Port and Harbor Bureau will hold a free WEB seminar mainly for Forwarders and NVOCC/International Freight Forwarder on Wednesday, November 30 on Cyber Port, a platform for digitalizing and streamlining container logistics among private business operators.
Cyber ??Port is a platform operated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Port and Harbors Bureau to computerize container logistics procedures and improving operational efficiency between private operators. Since the first operation started in April 2021, a maximum effect of up to 60% time reduction was confirmed through demonstration projects with private operators, and have promoted initiatives such as direct linkage with NACCS and announced linkage with TradeWaltz Co.
In this seminar, two points were mainly introduced "What Cyber Port is aiming for" and "How Cyber Port can improve the trade practices of Forwarders and NVOCC/International Freight Forwarder", with Cyber Port demo.
·I want to work on the trade business DX, but I don't know what to do specifically ·I've heard of Cyber ??Port, but I don't know what it can do < br > This is a recommended content for those who say so.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) Port and Harbours Bureau will continue to promote the use of Cyber Port by holding seminars on topics of interest to all parties concerned, such as introducing the latest functional improvements to Cyber Port and the benefits of using it from a business operator's perspective.
Date: Wednesday, November 30, 14:00-15:00
Format: Online (Zoom)
Cost: Free of charge
Application Deadline: Monday, November 28, 17:00
Application Method
If you would like to participate, please fill in the necessary information on the registration application form from the URL below and apply. (This seminar is for forwarders and forwarding companies, but other industries are also welcome to attend.)