ポータルサイトにサイバーポートの紹介動画を掲載するページを新設し、第1段として、サイバーポート操作説明動画 船積依頼・ブッキング編(荷主・海貨業者・船社向け)を公開しました。 | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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  3. A new page that contains videos introducing Cyber Port was set up on the portal site. As the first step, we released a Cyber Port operation explanation video for Shipping Instructions/Booking.

A new page that contains videos introducing Cyber Port was set up on the portal site. As the first step, we released a Cyber Port operation explanation video for Shipping Instructions/Booking.

We set up a new page on our portal site where we can post videos introducing Cyber Port. As the first step of the introduction, we released a video explaining the operation of Cyber Port web screen (GUI) for Shipping Instructions/Booking (for shippers/forwarders/shipping companies). In the future, we plan to release instructional videos for different business types and promotional videos for different business entities.

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