2024年度も4都市においてサイバーポートによるDX体験ワークショップを開催しました | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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In fiscal 2024, Cyberport held DX experience workshops in 4 cities

The Cyberport DX Experience Workshop was held again in fiscal 2024 to allow traders to operate the Cyberport and experience the use screens and benefits. This year, the conference was held in 4 cities, Tomakomai, Yokohama, Hakata, and Osaka, and a total of 60 people participated, including shippers, forwarders, sea freight companies, and customs brokers.

On the day of the workshop, we gave an overview of Cyberport, followed by role-playing by actually operating the Cyberport demo environment, and then held a meeting to exchange opinions.
In the role-playing session, a group of two participants performed a series of export operations from factory bunning to CY customs clearance, and experienced how the introduction of Cyberport would improve the efficiency of ordinary operations.

In the after-action questionnaire, the satisfaction rate was 97%, and it was well received by many participants.

In addition to workshops where you can actually experience the operation of the Cyberport, we will also hold seminars and other events to introduce the benefits of using the Cyberport and examples of its use. If you are interested, please feel free to join us.
In addition, if you are a business that is interested in introducing Cyberport, we provide support for individual introduction, so please contact us via the contact page.

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