Cyber Port(サイバーポート)の機能改善のお知らせ | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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Cyber Port Functionality Improvement Notice

To improve the convenience of Cyber Port, the following new and improved functions were released on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
 GUI Operation Manual Online [New Features]
 Business Process, Transaction Dashboard [New Features]
 Manual Answer Terminal Query Function [New Features]
 Form output function in Excel format [Functional improvement (Addition of the applicable standard)]
 CSV Custom Function Functional improvement (Addition of the applicable standard)
 Download function of NACCS linkage function permit, etc. Functional improvement (Addition of the applicable standard)
 Other GUI Improvements [Functional improvement and New Features]

For details, please refer to the following documents.
CyberPort_FunctionImprovementDetails_20240630 (Japanese)

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