6/14(金)に開催される(一財)日本貿易関係手続簡易化協会様主催の「貿易手続デジタル化促進セミナー」でCyber Portを紹介します | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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  3. Cyber Port will be introduced at the Trade Procedure Digitization Promotion Seminar on Friday, June 14

Cyber Port will be introduced at the Trade Procedure Digitization Promotion Seminar on Friday, June 14

On Friday, June 14, 2024, the "Trade Procedure Digitization Promotion Seminar - Introducing Advanced Examples of Trade Platform Utilization and Collaboration" will be held under the auspices of Japan Association for Simplification of International Trade Procedures.
In this seminar, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will introduce the policies and initiatives for digitalization of trade procedures in Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will introduce "Cyber Port," and as an example of the use of subsidies for the use of trade platforms in the last fiscal year, the results and issues obtained by the use and connection of trade platforms will be introduced by the selected companies.
If you are considering cooperation with Cyber Port through the use of subsidies for the use of trading platforms, please consider participating in this program.

For more information on this seminar, please refer to here .
Viewing is free and requires an application (Deadline June 12, first come, first served).

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