横浜港メガターミナル株式会社様が5月1日より「ターミナル問合せ」機能による受付をサイバーポートに一本化します。 | Cyber Port(サイバーポート)・CONPAS(コンパス)ポータルサイト


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  3. Yokohama Port Mega Terminal Co., Ltd. will integrate its terminal inquiry function into Cyber Port from May 1.

Yokohama Port Mega Terminal Co., Ltd. will integrate its terminal inquiry function into Cyber Port from May 1.

From May 1, Yokohama Port Mega Terminal Co., Ltd., operator of Honmoku BC Container Terminal, will unify its terminal inquiry function into Cyber Port.
Inquiries can be made to the following 5 companies from Cyber Port.
 Sankyu Inc.
 Suzue Corp.
 Sumitomo Warehouse Co.,Ltd.
 Tokyo International Terminal Inc.
 Mitsubishi Logistics Corporation

For more information, refer here(Japanese).

The website of Yokohama Port Mega Terminal Co., Ltd. is here.

Note that in order to use this function, you need to apply to use Cyber Port.
Applications to use Cyber Port can be found here.

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